Special Issue

    Special Issue: Journal Volume 11, Number 3, Disember 2023






    Chen Xinyu and Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya
    A Framework of Interactive Mind-Map Multimedia System

    Darren Lim Yie, Mageswaran Sanmugam and Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya
    Future Instructional Design in Game-based Learning and Gamified Learning: The Construction and Incorporation of Player Typology Family Tree in the Educational Context

    He Ying and Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya
    Application of Instructional Technology with Information-Based Teaching Evaluation to Improve Pedagogy for Universities’ Computer Courses in Nanchang

    Nur Aadila Ahmad Razi and Nurullizam Jamiat
    Augmented Reality Technology in Early Childhood Education: Trends and Future Practices

    Parameshvaran Varaman, Jeya Amantha Kumar and Siti Nazleen Abdul Rabu
    The Effect of Using the Frog Virtual Learning Platform for Mathematics Education in Primary Schools

    Siti Nazleen Abdul Rabu, Haniza Hussin and Siti Khadijah Mohamad
    QR Codes: A Technologically Enhanced Learning Tool for Large Classroom Settings

    Noratikah Abdullah, Mariam Mohamad and Mageswaran A/L Sanmugam
    Empowering Dyslexic Children’s Literacy through Mobile Applications and Multisensory: Addressing the Challenges Faced by Special Needs Teachers

    Nur Azila Azahari and Nurullizam Jamiat
    Empowering People with Disabilities through Social Media: A Review

    Irwan Mahazir bin Ismail, Zheng Zheng, Wang Hanxu, and Azwin Arif Abdul Rahim
    Enhancing Students’ Academic Motivation and Higher-Order Thinking Skills Through OBE-Based Hybrid Learning Model

    Raganeswari Ramasamy, Mariam Mohamad and Mageswaran Sanmugam
    Empowering Dyslexic Children’s Literacy through Mobile Applications and Multisensory: Enhancing the Main 4Cs of 21st Century Learning Skills in Narrative Writing

    Nurul Azni Mhd Alkasirah, Mariam Mohamad, Mageswaran Sanmugam and Noor Husna Sharuddin
    Examining the Arabic Language Teachers’ Perspective Towards Mobile Video-Based Learning in Arabic Language

    Jayson Sehsu and Lim Jia Wei
    Malaysian Students’ English Literary Text Selection: A Mixed Method Approach

    Suzana Ahmad, Jeya Amantha Kumar, Mariam Mohamad and Anna Mardeia Sanusi
    Profiling Engineering Students' Receptive Vocabulary in Malaysian Polytechnics

    Wang Hanxu, Irwan Mahazir Ismail, Zheng Zheng and Nor Yazi Khamis
    The Development of À La Carte-based Blended Learning for EFL Speaking Skills

    Musabah Al Breiki and Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya
    The Role of the Online Professional Learning Community in Developing Formative E-assessment Strategies for In-Service Omani Teachers

    Xi Cailian and Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya
    Designing and Implementing the Usability Engineering Course Based on STEAM Education

    Syahrini Shawalludin, Mageswaran Sanmugam, Siti Nazleen Abdul Rabu and Hasnah Mohamed
    Analysis of User Motivation and User Interface Toward Screen Addiction


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