Previous Issues


    Yuanxing Lai, Prachamon Aksornjarung
    The Effects of Content-based Instruction on Listening and Speaking Abilities of Thai EFL University Students

    Raphael Thoo Yi Xian, Foong Soon Seng, Khor Zyeh Lyn, Pong Kok Shiong
    Building National Identity through the Secondary School Literature Component in Malaysia

    Bromeley Philip, Nelson Anak Martin Noel
    Strategic Processing Of Academic Text: Identifying A Strategic Reader

    Aiza Johari, Norseha Unin, Ch’ng Looi Chin
    Listen Well To Score Better

    Mahmood K. M. Eshreteh, Mohammed A. A. Farrah, Blansh Zaitoon
    Students' Selection of the English Language Courses at Hebron University

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